BIC BLOG 2/27/21
Adding a MAC MINI to my home studio, SAINT2 … allowing me to use my laptop for personal and portable, as I have this ‘dream’ of taking our RV to beaches and the forest to write! Nothing is ever an easy install … but thankfully I have a friend more patient and competent in these matters than I, so hopefully we will have it up and running soon. I’ve been trying to start some additional song ideas at home and then move them on to our main SAINTinLA Studio to embellish.
We spent a night this week working on ‘Orion’, which is the furthest along of the two new songs, and with Whitney Tai living in Los Angeles … we have actually started kicking around a video concept. Elena Alice Fossi is still working on the chorus of her untitled song, while I have been delving into guitar and synth bits around her gorgeous verse and bridge voices. Please check out the videos below of these extremely talented ladies, as we always ask everyone to delve into the work of each artist that participates in BIC. Speaking of the ladies of BIC, make sure to take a look at Kat Leon’s fantastic video for Holy Wars’s version of ‘Tainted Love’ !
I had a early morning interview with Graham Coath on his UK radio show ‘A Better Way Of Life’. Even at this early hour, I tried to be my usual witty self! :). You can give it a look/listen HERE!
Finally, I’d like to share this interview our youngest daughter, Sophia did. She is a PR/Advertising major at DePaul University… and is interning for Jammerzine/Jammer Direct. Janna Jamison is a long time family friend, and this young lady is very talented. She could be a nice fit on the new BIC record, too! I am really proud of Sophia, as she is a natural at this!! Check out her interview HERE!
Whitney Tai and Elena Alice Fossi
M & M in the studio !