MONDAY Q&A 6/15/20

Q: I am a big Gene Loves Jezebel fan and I loved the Hollywood concert you posted. You played amazing on it and Jay and Michael are so great. Do you think they will play together again and would you join them ?

A: Thank you for your kind words. Tish and I actually watched it this weekend. Strange to see myself on stage way back as it was before I was a Dad! I think as a ‘band’ we were on that night and was pleasantly surprised. As far as the twins playing together again, I am really not sure if that will ever happen. It is over 20 years and a lot of hurtful things have been hurled by both of them. Personally I think they are better together than separate, though I think I made two great albums with Michael Aston (‘Love Lies Bleeding'‘ and ‘Exploding Girls’ ). It sadly feels like they are missing the boat as ‘80s music is really popular and there are several big ‘80 based tours that do big venues each year. I still see Michael, as he sang the lead-off song (Road To Rosario') on our BIC debut, but Jay seems to hold it against me since I continued to play with Michael’s ‘version’ of GLJ. It’s all ridiculous to me… and my personal view as there are ‘others’ involved, however delusional, that are stoking this family feud. I really don’t have a dog in this fight, nor to I want to be subjected to the bullshit that came with the last GLJ unwinding … but I have learned to never say never. (Hey wait - that’s from a Romeo Void song!)

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