BIC BLOG 5/18/24

At least for me, part of the ‘process’ of making a BIC album requires me to look at a calander and set a date. For ‘Dancing With Angels’ (yes, that is the official title) I opted for July 24th (7/24/24 or 24.7..24 for some). Some of the same technology that allows BIC to work with amazing musicians around this world … also makes knowing when the song is indeed finished sometimes very difficult. Michael Rozon and I have been eying the finish line for the past two weeks, each listening to the ‘hopefully’ final mixes, making our notes, listening again and making more notes…. Well, last night we both had no more notes and nothing else to change … and applied a last dash of ‘fairy dust’. It was now that glorious time to send this collection of songs; songs that include a lot of heart and soul, from some amazingly, talented people, off to be mastered!

A friend messaged me today and asked me “what now? downtime?'“ I almost spit my coffee out! The ‘to do’ list is still long. A quick list, in no particular order….we still have one HALO piece to write; a couple of the others need some additional elements; finish album and CD art so these can be sent off for pressing. We are in the process of editing the video for the debut single (June 4th release) but are in a holding pattern as we are waiting for some final artist footage. There will be a special-mix CD Single to coincide with the release, and that is complete and in-hand to the BIC Team. (detail soon). With locations set, we are shooting two additional videos in June. Since we have sort of a BIC custom, there will be a ‘re-envision’ release to follow. I am thinking late November release. I have a title in mind and we have actually begun to send the audio ‘stems’ to several artists that will be part of these remixes. I have actually thought about offering a re-envision opportunity to our BIC Family via our social media platforms . Maybe, just maybe there is someone here that might want to give a remix a go? We will see.

BIC will certainly be a bit more active on our social media now that there is something to actually talk about! Info on the upcoming single release, pre-orders (if 33.3 opts to do this), behind-the-scenes pics, etc.. are to come. Sorry for the semi train-of-thought ramble … I’m looking forward to my rare weekend ‘down-time’, but BIC will hit it creatively hard next week on the HALOs.

EYES and EARS open!


… dancing with angels

Michael Ciravolo