BIC BLOG 8/7/21
A bit late in the day and short n’ sweet blog today! After a crazy 2 week span of recording and shooting TWO videos …. Tish, I and the pups have set out on road trip to see our daughters. Writing this outside of Vegas with the temp near 110*!
Earlier this week, Whitney Tai and I shot some additional footage at LA’s FD Studios for ‘Orion’, then jumped into ‘the kiss of the world’; working again with director extraordinaire Vicente Cordero. This song features the Italian rock goddess Elena Alice Fossi; for those of you the USA that have not seen and heard her…. check out her band Kirlian Camera. With her having herself filmed in Italy, Vicente and I have put together what I think is a very cool dystopian concept. Check out a few behind-the-scenes pics from both video shoots below. It is our plan to release ‘Orion’ by mid to late September, with ‘the kiss of the world’ in November.
While we are on a bit of a holiday, Tish and I are discussing what she sees as a video concept for her song stunning ‘Afterlife’. Michael Rozon is working on finalizing the mix for ‘Orion’, and the two unnamed ladies have promised to have their vocals done for what are currently called track #3 and track #4!
behind the scenes from ‘the kiss of the world’ video shoot!
‘Orion’ - behind the scenes Day-3 !