MONDAY Q&A 9/7/20
Q: I have followed this project for over two years now and I am very impressed with the continual evolution of sound and players of BIC. When ‘beauty re-envisioned’ was released, I read you said the idea of a remix record gave you time to refocus and plan what comes next. So with another remix record in the works … what comes next?
A: First, thank you for your kind words and for being part of our BIC Family since its conception. It is true that the ‘accidental’ idea of ‘beauty re-envision’ did give us a bit of a breather after our debut ‘FBIC’, which was a fourteen song, year plus journey for Michael Rozon and I. Turning the keys over is an anaalogy I like to use when it comes to the remix records. For some reason, compiling ‘Out Of Chaos Comes…’ seems like less of a breather! Not sure why, it just seems I am more involved and getting less of a ‘breather’ this go round! Not that I’m complaining, it just seems how it is unfolding in trying to get all of the elements together for a Halloween release. As far as what’s next? We just put out our ‘sesatory soundscape’ video of ‘The Storm Before The Calm’’s Eno-esque title track. Certainly not a typical BIC video (if there is such a thing), but this was not a typical BIC song by any stretch. I really wanted to highlight this track, which was only available on the CD and digital version of ‘The Storm Before The Calm’ as well as keep content flowing as we finished up the next release. We do have at least two videos planned for the next record, and hopefully a few more. Tish and I are shooting some footage later today to be part of the first video-single from ‘Out Of Chaos Comes…’, which we plan to premiere in early October, After that? I have envisioned doing songs with all female singers next. I wish I could say I was further along with writing the songs, but I do have a few bits in the works and have discussed involvement with some very talented and diverse ladies. To stray a bit from previous BIC game-plans, I may look to do a few single releases, hopefully starting just after the new year, with the songs culminating on an EP or full album late 2021. That's about as far as my BIC crystal ball reads right now, but I’d certainly like to pick of the pieces of the how-who-when-where of a couple of BIC live shows after a sense of norm returns to the world…