MONDAY Q&A 6/8/20

Q: I read on your post about working with Wayne Hussey to remake ‘Tower Of Strength’, which is my favorite Mission song. Can you tell me about this project?

A: I had reached out to Wayne about the possibility of being part of a ‘remake’ of ‘STORM’, as I felt Ashton’s line “there is always a light” was a great message of hope that I felt was needed amidst Covid-19. He told me that he had been contacted that ‘Tower of Strength’ had become sort of the unofficial anthem of UK’s health care workers and was getting played in hospitals, etc. He was a bit hesitant about doing a Mission song, as I know he didn’t want this to come off in any way as self-serving. I immediately offered my help, as I knew ‘Tower Of Strength’ was a perfect rally cry, and would certainly would raise more awareness and more money than ‘Storm’ . What this is going to be is something along the lines of 1984’s BAND AID project, put together by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure. This is being done for all the right reasons, and 100% of the sales is going towards Covid related charities as selected by each artist involved. I can’t divulge anymore than Wayne as put out on the Mission’s social.. but there are some fantastic artists involved. Current and past members of Depeche Mode, The Cure, Bauhaus, The Smiths, The Cult, Nine Inch Nails, Siouxsie and The Banshees, The Wonder Stuff, Gene Loves Jezebel, Slowdive and All About Eve have sent over their parts, Even Band Aid’s co-founder, Ultravox’s Midge Ure is involved! I know Mr. Hussey’s signature 12string is the foundation and as he says ‘he’ll even take a hollar on it’. I’m certainly blessed and honored to be a small part of this, and have my guitar alongside some great players. As of now, I think the plan is for Tim Palmer to be mixing this by the end of June. Besides a digital version, I am fairly confident there will be a limited edition vinyl!


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