MONDAY Q&A 6.29.20

Q: I have read that Beauty In Chaos is planning to release another remix album later this year. I really enjoyed the mix variations on ‘Beauty Re-Envisioned’ and I was wondering if you are considering a competition along the lines of what The Mission did, releasing the remix by the winner? If so, I would certainly like to enter.

A: You are correct sir! We are now diligently compiling remixes for what is currently dubbed ‘Out Of Chaos Comes …’, with a Halloween 2020 release date. It is funny you asked about this, as I was honesty racking my brain about this over the weekend, I don’t think we will do a contest as the Mission did per say, as BIC does not have the fan reach the Mission does and it could be a bit embarrassing. That said, I love the idea of these remix albums, and we are considering a few additional remixes from our BIC family that can be included, even if only on the digital version. If you or anyone is interested, please email me at info@beautyinchaosmusic or Facebook Messenger. To be clear on this, there would not be any monetary compensation and I would need to hear a previous remix you have done.


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