BIC BLOG 3/21/20
To say this has been a week like no other is truly an understatement! As of yesterday, the Los Angeles area is under a 'shut down’, ‘shelter-in-place’, ‘stay home’ .. whatever your media or hashtag phrase of choice is. Thankfully both of our daughters are home from college. I could not imagine facing this with them on the other side of the country. #CountYourBlessings
This week, I have never been so proud of this family we call BEAUTY IN CHAOS. All of the amazing artists, producers and our label 33.3 Music Collective …that made both of our albums possible and they were 100% behind my decision to offer BOTH albums at NO CHARGE. In the grand scheme of things, it is a minuscule… but with so many people now sitting home, maybe, just maybe it gives someone an hour or so of ‘escapism’ from the news and the word ‘coronavirus’. It certainly does my heart and soul some much needed good to see 100’s of people around this planet we share, downloading our albums. Maybe they had not heard of Beauty In Chaos before, maybe they could not afford to buy it … or maybe they just are among the mindset that they don’t pay for music. None of that really matters right now. So please use these links yourself or to share with someone if you think our music would make their day just a bit brighter.
I would also like to thank both Jammerzine’s Ryan Martin and Torched Magazine’s Judy Lyon for dropping everything to share this with their followers!
I also wanted to share again due to the cancellation of most of THE MISSION’s European Party concerts, the band has put their cool tour mech up on their On-Line Store, including the remaining copies of ‘finding beauty in chaos’ and ‘beauty re-envisioned’ signed by both Wayne Hussey and myself. Hell, I don’t even have a signed copy… so I guess Ill be ordering along with their new 2020 T-Shirt!!
This virus has forced so many incredible bands to cancel their tours which has caused a major financial hardship. It is wonderful to see how they are starting to do on-line shows, like Stage-it, etc... I would like to ask anyone, who can, to pickup up something from my friend Curse Mackey’s (featured on our new video ‘A Kind Cruelty’) store. The cancellation of his tour with Clan Of Xymox has left him with alot of tour merch. He graciously gave his time, words, and voice to BIC, so if you can please visit his store HERE.
As for BIC, Michael Rozon and I are continuing to work on finalizing the mixes for ‘the storm before the calm’! We are very close and plan to send it off to mastering by the end of next week! As I said last week, it is my ultimate goal to have both VINYL and CDs in hand on or before our 5/22 release date, but with shutdowns, etc… that might not be possible. So as of today, all is a go. No matter… we will at least be releasing the album in its digital form on the release date! I am confident our BIC family will understand.
I plan to use this unexpected ‘free time’ to start writing the NEXT songs. We already have some truly amazing singers onboard! I think we all can use this to re-access our busy lives and what is really important. Family and friends! I actually spent over 2 hours last night on a video chat with the lovely Evi Vine. Though we have not yet met in person, her and Steve are amazing people and I consider them both family. We talked and caught up about music, life, gardening and conspiracies! Just what you would expect from two goths! She will certainly be part of the next BIC record. I still hold steadfast that ‘I Will Follow You’ is the best song on ‘FBIC’ !
Stay Safe, Sane and Kind … as this, too, shall pass.
beautiful BELLA says music heals !