MONDAY Q&A 1/20/20
Q: I know you cite Marc Bolan as a major influence so I was wondering how you feel about T.Rex’s induction into the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame? How did you find out?
A: Most definitely, Marc was a BIG reason not only why but how I play guitar. He was a brilliant performer and a underrated guitarist. I think a lot of times, the award show things get it wrong. I like to think the RRHOF finally got it right here. There are plenty of artists already inducted that Marc greatly influenced. I am trilled for Marc, the band and the Bolan family that are getting the deserved recognition. I feared it would just be an American popularity contest. For whatever reason, his popularity did not translated to the States. To hear someone think Power Station wrote ‘Get It On’ (Bang A Gong) is a crime. I know that would probably be no Bowie, Slade, and Mott The Hoople if not for Marc. This list is only the tip of the iceberg in my opinion. Getting to record ‘20th Century Boy’ with Marc’s son Rolan is certainly on my personal Top-10 great moments in my life. Having Rolan tell me he thought his dad would love the version and the video is still surreal. I was blessed to be one of the first people Rolan called to tell, so I knew for a few days prior to the public announcement. If you haven’t read Rolan’s words about his father’s induction … please read HERE.
on set of the ‘20th Century Boy” video shoot with ROLAN BOLAN and WAYNE HUSSEY
Mr. Hussey telling how big of an influence Marc was…. and me just lucky to be a fly on the wall!