BIC BLOG 11/6/21
When you draw a proverbial ‘line in the sand’ … well, in our case, set hard release dates, each day is critical. Well, after last week’s computer issues, we stormed back with a very productive week! In the studio, Michael Rozon and I got two of the songs (Not Your Fault and Afterlife) to that 95% point, meaning we will return to them just prior to mastering to do some final sonic tweaks. We also started the gorgeous Open Wound Heart, which we should get to the magic 95% on our next red wine fueled studio nite! Also, the vocals for ‘Behind The Veil”s 6th track, currently untitled, is being sung today.
While patience is not always my best virtue, we are making some real progress towards the album’s 2.22.22 release date. We have even shared some of the tracks for remixes, which will be included on the CD and digital versions of ‘Behind The Veil’. Also, we have dove into the deep end of the CD cover and booklet design.
The next date up on the magic BIC calendar is 12.2.21 … the release date and video premiere of our 2nd single The Kiss Of The World. Well, I gave the thumbs up on the edit last night,,, and Ms. Elena Alice Fossi and her BIC partners in anarchy will indeed premiere it as planned in this dystopian-matrix inspired video. Nice to check something off the to-do-list! Our otherworldly debut video/single Orion ft. Whitney Tai will screen next Friday at the Wonder & Awe Music Video Fest in Hollywood!
As I mentioned last week, the amazing crew at Jammerzine have approached us about doing sort of a behind the scenes / making of documentary for the new album! Titled “Unveiled”, we shot the first segment this week with my beautiful wife, Tish Ciravolo! Some of you may remember the previous documentary “Behind the Beauty / Remixing the Chaos’. Plans are to complete this one before the albums February 22nd. release.
Finally, Holy Wars’ have just released a bombastic new video Get Mine! You will recognize Holy Wars’ Kat Leon from our Stranger video! Great band and Kat is one unstoppable force! See it HERE or Below…
EAF in the matrix ….