MONDAY Q&A 7/27/20

Q: I really enjoyed the new ‘Stranger’ video. Really beautiful song and the singer is really fantastic. The guitar work is great, and I wanted to know how you got the sound with the bow?

A: Thank you for your kind words, I love the song and Kat is really fantastic! As for the guitar - yeah that is one of my favorite sounds on the album. I usually write down the pedal combination and setting I use if we get something special just in case we get to do this all live someday. If memory serves me, this was a blend of two tracks, one played with the viola bow thru a EHX mel9 and an Eventide H9 on the ‘shimmer’ patch. It was doubled with an Ebow thru my often used Gurus EchoSex delay. We used the bow to manipulate the guitar on a few track on ‘FBIC’ also. So for me, it is a tool more than just show. I am certainly not as versed in it as Jonsi from Sigur Ros or Radiohead’s Johnny Greenwood, but I’m getting better! I will probably set up a dedicated guitar for this for the next record, with heavier strings and higher action. It is a bit messy too, as the rosin gets all over the strings. - MC

photo still from ‘STRANGER’ video shoot

photo still from ‘STRANGER’ video shoot

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