BIC BLOG 4/20/19


With ‘beauty re-envisioned’ now in the hands of the pressing plant, I’m really inspired by this week’s studio work.  I feel we have two songs going to the point of handing off to a singer. Not sure who those will be yet, but thrilled by the possibilities!  As I have alluded, I am thinking the next BIC release will be a 4-song EP, possibly attached by some sonic symphonic bits.  I think I actually have the name and cover concept too!

 Back to ‘beauty re-envisioned’, our friends at TORCHED MAGAZINE did a wonder 1st peek inside the album HERE!  At risk of redundancy, you can Pre-Order ‘beauty re-envisioned’ HERE. It will be available in 14-Song CD and Download versions, and 8-Song 180g Clear vinyl version.  If order thru our BIC STORE, you will also receive an additional 10 Songs! and an immediate download of ‘Bloodless And Fragile (The Ghost Mix). The download version will be included with any CD and Vinyl purchase. But wait there’s more 😊. The 1st 200 orders will get a cool BIC fleur keychain/necklace! (see pic below)!!!

In celebration of Easter, I won’t be doing my usual Sunday posts, but we are planning to have our web-site updated on Monday with all info on ‘beauty re-envisioned’, including MP3 sound samples and artist quotes, giving you further insight into this record. Make sure to check back at the ALBUMS tab on Monday!


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