MONDAY Q&A 3/18/19

Q:  I was surprised to read you are working on new material before the second record is released.  How do you find the time?


A:  Well ‘beauty re-envisioned’ is basically a remix record of sorts, putting a lot of the work load on the other Producers, DeeJays and Artists.  That said, there are a few ‘surprises’ on this record that did require some playing on my end ☺   Beyond the music aspect of the album, which bloomed into a bigger undertaking than I anticipated, there is all of the art, text, credits, etc that come along with an album release.  I do enjoy it and I try to temper my impatience in getting it released.  There are parts that are indeed ‘creative’ but it becomes a bit mind-numbing so getting back into the studio is a reprieve.  I do look forward to seeing where the new BIC material goes and evolves … and what new artists we bring into the fold.  I hope to have new BIC material out before the end of the year … even if it is a few ‘singles’ of an EP.  As for time…. Yeah lots of coffee and red wine, and I am blessed with a very understanding and supportive family. MC X

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