STUDIO LOG 7/14/18

After a bit over a year and literally 100s of hours, its beyond exciting to see the 'end' in sight!  As Michael and I work today, we are getting real

close on mix #13, 'Memory Of Love'.  I hadn't heard this song for several months now as we have been in mix mode.  Really loving some of the cool guitar textures we got on this one, and it does have one of the album's most chaotic guitar solos ;)  We should have this mix done by early next week, leaving only 'The Long Goodbye',   Still one of my favorite songs on FBIC, I have purposely saved this mix for last, to give it all the attention it needs.  I also think I might add an additional guitar bit on the chorus, from an idea given to me by Tim Palmer

Thrilled we are on schedule which will give us several weeks in August for final mix tweaks, instrumental mixes as well as multiple format mastering.  We have lined up an amazing 'vinyl' mastering guy as to do this right, it should be a different process than mastering for digital formats.  There is certainly something musical and pure about vinyl done right!

We also completed the cover photo shoot for 'finding beauty in chaos', and simply blessed to see the concept that I have had in my head since the inception of this entire project come to life!

Ive been listening a lot of late to both My Bloody Valentine and Ruby Never thought I would get to see either live and remarkably, both are performing in Los Angeles soon!  I bought tix for Ruby, but MBV is sold out .. but still trying some magic.


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